6 awesome design features for your kitchen renovation

6 Awesome Design Features For Your Kitchen Renovation

Here are some impressive design features to consider if you are embarking on a kitchen renovation in the near future.

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3 Easy Ways To Keep A Cohesive Design Plan Throughout Your Home

3 Easy Ways To Keep A Cohesive Design Plan Throughout Your Home

There’s no saying you must have a cohesive design plan throughout your home. There are many beautiful homes that sport a different look in each room. That said, if your goal is to keep your home’s design cohesive, here are three easy ways to ensure a nice visual flow as you move from room to room.

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How To Mix Metal Finishes In Your Home - Four Tips For A Cohesive Look

How To Mix Metal Finishes In Your Home - Four Tips For A Cohesive Look

One of my client’s biggest concerns when it comes to remodeling a kitchen or bathroom has to do with mixing metal finishes. They want to know, is it okay and how to do it properly. The answer is YES! It is okay to mix metal finishes and the truth is, there really are no rules that you have to stick by. That said, some of my clients love rules! So, for those of you who prefer some guidelines on the matter, here are 4 tips for mixing metal finishes that will ensure a cohesive look in your space.

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